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the performance hack
In everyday life, we are under constant pressure, experiencing many stressors. As a result, we get out of balance and are not able to focus, be creative or think in solutions.
Entrepreneurs and Young Professionals in Silicon Valley started microdosing to get new insights and think ahead.
With our 30-days Earth Resonance Protocol we guide you in the journey of personal transformation. Set intentions, free yourself from blockages which might hold you back and get ahead in life.

the benefits of our 30-days protocol
- Microdosing with Natural Psilocybe
- Includes 30-days Protocol for the best guidance
- Strengthens your memory*
- Supports nerve health*
- Helps you to align to your goals & vision for the future
- Helps break free from blockage holding you back
- Helps you to find structure to end procrastination
- Meditation & breath-work practice

how does microdosing work?
Microdosing Cycle: 30 days - Dose every other day
Integration Cycle: 30 days - No intake
- Prepare your cycle
- Set your intention
- Start your cycle on your free day
- Cut and weight your dose (0.3g - 1.5g)
- Eat raw or blend in tea or smoothie
- Microdose every other day
- No alcohol, caffeine or drugs
- After the first phase you take a rest phase
microdosing in the media
Do you want to learn more about the scientific studies of microdosing?
Research on microdosingAs featured in
start your transformation today